Academic and Enrichment

Ajyal Al Falah’s Learning Support services are designed to strengthen and enrich a student's academic, behavioral, social and emotional development. With the support of our dedicated teachers, intervention and therapy teams we carefully identify students who are in need of additional support, or those who have been identified as gifted and talented. At Ajyal International School Al Falah we believe in a collaborative support model which includes the parents, the school/teacher and the intervention or enrichment team. Together we can help your child reach their full potential.
Our Learning Support Department’s success rate has been achieved through teacher support and consultations, multi-disciplinary meetings and multisensory individualized instructions. Once a student has been identified we follow a Graduated Support Approach, also known as: “Assess, Plan, Do, Review”. This means that we will:
Assess a students’ progress and level of needs
Plan the next steps in supporting the student
Do Implement a suitable support or enrichment program as well as strategies and styles that work best for the student
Review the support and progress received at the end of every school term
Ajyal International School Al Falah’s objective supports the UAE’s vision on equal education opportunity for all and educating students to develop the potential of the country. We also believe that our support and enrichment program will increase a student’s abilities and potential by:
encouraging students to become academically, socially and emotionally well adjusted
developing confidence, accountability and responsibility
fostering tolerance, acceptance and respect of all students
recognizing and acknowledging the learning styles and strengths of each student
offering a learning environment that is inclusive, supportive, caring and safe.
Therapeutic Services and Multi-Disciplinary Approaches
In September 2022 Ajyal International School Al Falah signed a partnership with KidsHeart Medical Center to ensure that our students receive the best Speech and Language and Occupational Therapy Support. Parents are more than welcome to request these therapy sessions for their children, but students are also identified through observations and referral by classroom teachers or the Coordinator of the Learning Support Department. Additionally, we pride ourselves in forming close relationships with other medical and therapeutic clinics as we acknowledge the benefits that these professionals can bring to our students and their families. We also collaborate with Ta’leem Tutoring Centre to provide our students with additional Arabic, English and Mathematic support after school or during school vacations.
Ajyal International School Al Falah is a data driven school and we base our intervention support plans and recommendations on observations, teacher checklists and referrals as well as initial standardized assessments, which are conducted at no additional charge to existing school students. These assessments include a wide range of language, motor development and academic standardized assessments such as the MAP, The EPoC, Beery VMI, the PPVT and the EVT, the Woodcock-Johnson, the TOWRE and the DRA2 to name but a few. Occasionally, the Learning Support and Special Education Needs Coordinator may recommend that a student receive a specialized assessment from a medical professional or an educational psychologist. Our dedicated and supportive team will be there to guide parents through the journey of specialized assessments as we always work as a team to benefit our students.
In the event that parents are in possession of medical reports or psychological assessment reports it is important to note that Ajyal Al Falah International School, does not accept reports that are older than 2 years, or, depending on the needs of the student, the report may need to be updated every 12 - 14 months.
Admissions Policy of Special Needs Students
At Ajyal International School Al Falah, our Senior Management Team (SMT), along with the admissions office, and the Learning Support and Special Education Needs Coordinator will consider each child’s needs and the resources available to determine acceptance/non-acceptance on a case-by-case basis. Any supporting documents, reports, student/family interviews, and medical or academic assessments will be reviewed and will be part of the admissions decision. Should any information be withheld or a lack of transparency is evident the SMT may decide to decline the application immediately.
Important Information
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