
The Common Core Curriculum in the Kindergarten provides students not only with the opportunity to learn to read, write, speak, listen, and use English and Arabic language effectively in a variety of content areas, but to build self-confidence and help them to acquire problem-solving skills and concepts necessary for success in the Elementary years.
Kindergarten students are monitored on their development and progress in all areas of development. Examples of children’s learning, showing their individual level and stage of development are built up throughout the year. Provision is made for these observations and assessments through experience and learning through constructive play.
Progress is recorded by observing and assessing children. Summative Assessment help teachers in making the end of term assessments and are also of use in determining the overall progress and achievement of students. These are applicable to KG1 once per term and twice for RWInc. KG2 at the end of each topic in Numeracy, Literacy, and Science. Evidence of student progress is recorded in copybooks.
Additionally, every student has a learning file. Every file has pieces of evidence that support the mastery of skills required to achieve the long- term outcomes for each year group. As skills are acquired and outcomes are met, the outcomes are highlighted. This MUST be supported by a minimum of three pieces of evidence.
Due to partial online teaching through the platform Google Classroom, the assessment of learning is conducted online via Google Meets. Students are scheduled one to one time with the teacher on a regular basis so that the teacher can assess the concepts covered within a set period. Photo and video evidence uploaded to the portfolios will also be used as evidence that will inform the assessment.
Tracking progress is color-coded and is in line with ADEK’s regulations. The standards and skills that should be attained over the course of the year are reported termly to show student progress. The curriculum is accessible in the same format to teachers at both grade levels and relies on skills being taught and built upon in subsequent grades. Vertical grade level planning ensures that this occurs. The standards in reporting, curriculum, and EFL application all correspond to ensure uniformity over the KG department. This uniformity spreads to information sent to parents and the reporting clearly shows parents the expectations for KG students over their time in Kindergarten.